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10 Behaviors or Habits That is an Automatic Green Flag According to Men

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10 Behaviors or Habits That is an Automatic Green Flag According to Men

10 Behaviors or Habits That is an Automatic Green Flag According to Men:-It may come as a surprise to women, but men have recently come out and said everything they want their partner to have. As expected, a man’s wish list is long, but that doesn’t mean they don’t really want those things. Recently, a group of men got together online to talk about the exact behaviours and habits that men see as red flags.

10 Behaviors or Habits That is an Automatic Green Flag According to Men

1. Admitting When You’re Wrong

  • One of the best things about being a woman is that you’re humble. Being humble is even better when you know this about yourself.
  • Many men say that being in relationships with selfish people in the past has made them not want to get close to a new partner.
  • But these same men also say that there’s nothing sexier than a woman who can admit she’s wrong.

2. Giving Space When Needed

  • Balance is probably the most important thing in a relationship.
  • Men need to be able to get some much-needed alone time every once in a while. “When I was dating the woman I now marry, she knew how important my “me days” were—days when I didn’t have to work but still needed time to myself,” says one man.
  • Other girlfriends didn’t seem to get it and would get mad at me for not wanting to spend all my free time with them.

3. Being Nice to Service Workers

  • There aren’t any hard and fast rules about how to treat service workers, but most men like it when their partner treats bartenders and servers with grace and respect. Kindness goes a long way with men, whether it’s a big tip or just being nice to them.

4. Enjoying Moments Privately

  • In a world where everyone is hooked on sharing every detail of their lives on social media, someone who can enjoy a life away from the spotlight can be the biggest red flag.
  • One man says, “Being able to enjoy important moments alone is a huge red flag for me.” “People who post about everything they do on social media to get likes and attention really bother me.”

5. Removing Her Phone From Sight

  • Many men say that the best women all do the same thing: they don’t look at their phones while they’re on dates.
  • A woman is mature enough to deal with real-life problems instead of hiding away on social media if she isn’t hooked up to her phone all the time.
  • It’s all about being polite in the end.

Also Read:-Top 10 signs your old relationships are affecting your current one 

10 Behaviors or Habits That is an Automatic Green Flag According to Men

10 Behaviors or Habits That is an Automatic Green Flag According to Men

6. Knowing How To Find Value in Failure

  • A lot of men say they were disappointed in past relationships with women who couldn’t find value in their mistakes and failures.
  • One man says, “So many people are so afraid of failing.” “Not only failing, they said they “didn’t care.”
  • This leads to terrible ways of coping. You need to care. Becoming better is important, and you should use your experiences to give your life context and meaning.

7. Humbleness

  • It doesn’t matter if a woman is rich, smart, or famous; men like women who are humble!
  • Being humble shows that you are an adult, and for many men who are proud of having that trait, finding it in someone else is the cherry on top of a great relationship sundae.

8. Has Cooking Skills

  • Men will do what they want, and it’s not their fault if they look for women who are good in the kitchen. “You can judge me all you want, but I like women who are good in the kitchen,” one man says.
  • It’s good for your health, saves money, helps you stay alive, encourages creativity, offers a wide range of foods, and more. I want to do this by myself more.”

9. Enjoys Reading Books

  • Even though there is no scientific evidence to support this, a lot of men think that women who read books often are smarter than women who don’t.
  • At the end of the day, men are much more interested in smart women than dumb ones. Really, who wouldn’t want to meet someone who reads a lot?

10. Open Communication

  • There is almost agreement among men in 2023 about what they want: they don’t want to play games or “read between the lines,” and they want to be able to talk to their partner freely.
  • It’s the difference between a healthy relationship and one that’s doomed from the start that you can’t fix.

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