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6 Healthy Juice Recipes for a Fresh Start in the Morning

6 Healthy Juice Recipes for a Fresh Start in the Morning

6 Healthy Juice Recipes for a Fresh Start in the Morning:  Starting your day with a glass of fresh fruit or vegetable juice is an excellent way to kickstart your morning with a dose of essential nutrients and energy. These healthy breakfast juices help keep you feeling refreshed and energized well into the late morning. The possibilities for morning juices are abundant.

You can go for classic choices like orange or grapefruit juice, or opt for nutritious options like wheatgrass or vegetable juice. Juice is best option to start our morning because it helps us keep fresh whole day.

6 Healthy Juice Recipes for a Fresh Start in the Morning

1. Pomegranate, Orange & Pineapple Juice

pomegranate, orange, pineapple energizing juice recipes

Pomegranate and oranges are packed with vitamin C, potassium, and folate which release energy steadily over time to keep you going all day long.

How to make Pomegranate, Orange & Pineapple

  1. Cut pomegranate into 4 pieces, and separate seeds into a bowl.
  2. Peel orange and remove peel and core of the pineapple. Slice into appropriate sizes.
  3. Add all of ingredients into juicer.
  4. Enjoy! Pour over ice, if desired.

2. Orange Light Juice

orange light juice - energizing juice recipes

The vitamin C found in oranges and the calcium found in bok choy makes this the ideal juice for weight-loss.


  1. Peel orange and banana, and cut both into appropriate sizes.
  2. Wash the bok choy leaves thoroughly, and cut into 2 inch pieces.
  3. Insert ingredients into juicer.
  4. Enjoy! Pour over ice, if desired.

3. Cucumber Orange Apple Juice

everything green juice - energizing juice recipes

The apple and orange provide vitamin C, the cucumber refreshes, and the ginger aids digestion.


  1. Peel the orange and slice into appropriate sizes.
  2. Cut apple and cucumber into slices.
  3. Grate ginger to remove skin.

4. Berry Lemon

berry lemon juice - energizing juicing recipes

This fatigue-fighting recipe combines white grape, kiwi, strawberry, and lemon.


  1. Peel lemon and kiwi, and cut into appropriate sizes.
  2. Remove white grapes from stem, and remove stems from strawberries and wash thoroughly.
  3. Insert white grapes, kiwi, strawberries, and lemon into juicers.
  4. Enjoy! Pour over ice, if desired.

5. Lemon Detox

lemon detox juice - energizing juice recipes

Drink this lemon, banana, and pear juice to cleanse out harmful toxins and help repair after a workout or cheat day.


  • 1 and ¼ cups of sliced pears
  • 1 sliced banana
  • ½ lemon


  1. Peel lemon and banana. Remove seeds and core of pear. Cut into appropriate sizes.
  2. Insert half of the pear, then banana and lemon into juicer.
  3. Insert the rest of the pear.
  4. Enjoy! Pour over ice, if desired.

6. Apple Cucumber Juice

energizing juice recipes

The cucumber, apple, lemon and celery in this juice are really good for those dealing with gut issues.


  1. Cut off the ends of the cucumber, peel skin, and slice into appropriate sizes.
  2. Remove the seeds from the apple, cut.
  3. Prepare celery by washing thoroughly.
  4. Wash lemon with baking soda, and prepare by cutting, with the peel intact.
  5. Peel ginger.
  6. Put lever on “close.” Alternate the order of ingredient insertion.
  7. *Insert ingredients in order shown above.

7. Lemon Carrot & Orange Juice

lemon carrot orange juice - energizing juice recipes

This refreshing juice from is ideal for fighting stress and anxiety while boosting energy levels.


  1. Peel and slice oranges and lemons.
  2. Peel and chop ginger and carrots.
  3. Insert all ingredients into juicer.

8. Carrot, Ginger and Up Beet Juice

grapefruit, carrot, ginger juice - energizing juice recipes

This juice made is a great way to wake up on a cold morning, and it makes an even better afternoon pick-me-up.


  1. Peel and chop beetroot and ginger into appropriate sizes.
  2. Put all ingredients into the juicer.
  3. Service immediately.


We recommend you to Start your morning with the Orange or Sweet Lime Juice in the Summer Season because it contains Vitamin C and it helps us to improve digestion. So we can conclude here that if our digestion will be strong we can digest the meals easily.

We recommend Carrot + Beetroot + Ginger + Tomato juice in the winters, Both vitamins A and C found in carrot juice act as antioxidants and protect immune cells from free radical damage.

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