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Spotting Selfishness: 11 Telltale Signs That Someone Lacks Empathy

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Spotting Selfishness 11 Telltale Signs That Someone Lacks Empathy

Spotting Selfishness: 11 Telltale Signs That Someone Lacks Empathy:-Selfishness is a common bad trait. However, there are lucky or warning signs that can help us identify people who prioritise themselves in every situation. A recent online service asked, “What is a telltale sign of someone being selfish?” The top 24 responses were collected.

Spotting Selfishness: 11 Telltale Signs That Someone Lacks Empathy

They Don’t Share, But Happily Take

  • They are first in queue but bring nothing to the potluck or only Tupperware containers to take home!
  • You may want to avoid them.
  • What would you learn if you befriended them?
  • Someone may take advantage of your kindness.

Constant Complaining

  • My friend complains. Recently, I’ve let her talk with dry responses.
  • Only when she asks do I speak.
  • The hangouts went silent quickly.
  • She no longer feels ‘satisfied’ telling me her life.
  • Win! I had a friend who constantly complained.
  • I suggested we talk more positively, but she said she didn’t want to.
  • No longer friends.


  • Any harm you do to them is dramatic.
  • Why not forget the bad things they do to you? You’re dramatic!
  • He screenshotted text arguments and sent me the whole thing with, “Look how bad this person is being to me?”
  • I could always tell when he upset them.
  • I never told him, or I would have gotten involved in the drama.


  • It’s usually a sign to avoid someone who constantly brags.
  • I’ve met too many of them, and they’ll gladly throw you under the bus when they can.
  • These people are never available when needed.
  • They won’t even listen to a story without interrupting.

Emotional One-upmanship

  • When they think anything that happens to them is the worst and anything that happens to you is unimportant and pointless.
  • A friend was sad because her sister’s murder anniversary was approaching.
  • Because her boyfriend, who was visiting for the weekend, had gone home, another friend needed support too.
  • We both stopped talking to her.

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Spotting Selfishness: 11 Telltale Signs That Someone Lacks Empathy

Spotting Selfishness: 11 Telltale Signs That Someone Lacks Empathy

No Regrets

  • Selfish people have no remorse for hurting others.
  • When discussing what they did to you, they make you apologise for how you made them feel.


  • Never doubts themselves.
  • They can’t take responsibility.
  • Not all narcissists are selfish, but all are.

Being Socially Unaware

  • They need not directly blame you.
  • It may cause aloofness or unawareness.
  • They may feel perpetually unaware of their role.
  • And then deny any involvement.
  • If you point out their mistakes, they may say you’re making them feel bad.
  • I lost someone because I didn’t realise my selfishness.
  • I was unaware that my inability to stop arguing caused most of what happened.

Selective Memory

  • The times they helped others are well remembered, but not the times others helped them.
  • Remembering is easier when you can count the times on your fingers.

No Reciprocation

  • They’ll gladly accept any favours you do for them, but if you ask them to do something for you once, they get defensive or angry and act like you’re being selfish.
  • You’re not a bad person if you want the same from a relationship.
  • It’s good for them that they can “give and take.” You can’t expect kindness in return for kindness you give.
  • People are taking advantage of you if you’re the only one giving.

Only Talking About Themselves

  • A lot of people I know will talk about their day for the whole phone call and then hang up when you start to talk about yours.
  • That person will then talk about themselves some more while you’re talking.
  • Someone I know does this with a group.
  • Talking over someone about the same story over and over again just to stay cool.
  • I’m worn out by the time I leave.

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