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Strawberry Banana and Almond Butter Smoothie

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Strawberry Banana and Almond Butter Smoothie

Strawberry Banana and Almond Butter Smoothie:- Take pleasure in the flavour of this energising smoothie while also reaping the many health benefits it offers. There is a high concentration of vitamin C in strawberries, which is known to be beneficial to maintaining a healthy heart. Additionally, strawberries contain folate, which has been linked to a reduction in the risk of both depression and birth defects.

Strawberries are beneficial for both of these conditions. The complex carbohydrates that are derived from the fruit are helped to be balanced out by the almond butter. Both protein and monounsaturated fat can be found in abundance in almond butter. Although protein is necessary for the construction and repair of tissues, monounsaturated fat, also known as “good fat,” has been shown to be effective in lowering cholesterol levels.

Strawberry Banana and Almond Butter Smoothie

Your physical and mental well-being will be improved if you consume a smoothie that contains a healthy balance of nutrient-dense ingredients, such as the ones that are included in our recipe. Greetings!


1 serving

  • Half a cup of frozen strawberries
  • 1 small banana that has been frozen
  • 1/2 ounce of crushed ice
  • Three-quarters of a cup of almond milk
  • 1 tablespoon honey that does not contain bees
  • Almond butter, one teaspoon sized
  • 1/2 milligram of flaxseed meal

Also Read:-10 Best Weight Loss Smoothies Ever

Strawberry Banana and Almond Butter Smoothie

Strawberry Banana and Almond Butter Smoothie


  • Blend and enjoy the benefits of fueling your body healthy!

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