10 Brain-Boosting Juices and Beverages

Coffee is perhaps the most popular nootropic drink. Caffeine is its main brain advantage, although chlorogenic acid and other chemicals may also influence your brain. 

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1. Coffee

Green tea has less caffeine than coffee. It also contains l-theanine and epigallocatechin gallate, suggesting nootropics.

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2. Green tea 

Kombucha is fermented green or black tea with fruit or herbs. Its main benefit is introducing intestinal probiotics.

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3. Kombucha 

Vitamin C is abundant in orange juice, with 93% of the Daily Value in 1 cup (240 mL). This vitamin may be neuroprotective.

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4. Orange juice 

Blueberries include polyphenols that may enhance the brain. The blueish-purple colour of these berries may be due to antioxidants called anthocyanins.

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5. Blueberry juice 

To enhance creaminess and nutrition, green smoothies may use avocado, yoghurt, protein powder, or bananas.

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6. Green juices 

Turmeric lattes, often called golden milk, are warm, creamy drinks with the brilliant yellow spice.

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7. Turmeric lattes 

Similar to turmeric lattes, adaptogen lattes are warm, savoury, and packed with flavour. Stress-adapting foods and herbs may boost brain function and lessen fatigue.

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8. Adaptogen lattes 

Beets are a deep red root vegetable rich in nitrates, a precursor to nitric oxide, which your body uses to oxygenate cells and enhance blood flow.

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9. Beetroot juice 

Kefir, like kombucha, contains probiotics. Instead of tea, it's fermented milk.

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10. Kefir 

also see

also see

Karela Juice: Nutrition, Benefits, and How to Make It