10 Things Men Notice First in a Woman. Did You Know?  


When men first meet women, their eyes capture all the attention. Shape, size, and colour might entice a guy to identify the woman behind those eyes.


Smiles are one of the first things guys notice. A beautiful grin is charming. You don't need braces to have a lover, but taking care of your teeth (and maybe whitening them) may make someone fall in love with your smile.


Men are crazy about healthy, gorgeous hair. If you have brunette, blonde, curly, straight, or short hair, your man will be satisfied as long as it suits your features.


Men see the difference between a woman who works to have nice skin and one who doesn't. Luckily, it's simple: clean and moisturise your skin.


Being selective about what you wear will get you recognised, even if you don't buy the latest trend. Some days call for sweatpants, but others need dressing to impress.You never know who you'll meet today.


Slowing down in public makes you appear less confident and focused. Men want to know a confident woman who walks and acts confidently.


Men can be impressed without Kylie Jenner lips. Any man is tempted by a gorgeous smile and lips. Use less lipstick and notice how eager a man is for a smile or kiss.

Dance moves 

This may not come up when walking down the street, but men watch women dance to the music. Show him some serious dancing at the club next time.


Getting a walk will be easy if you have confidence and put one foot in front of the other. Men will notice. Stand up straight when you walk to get extra attention.


Do you bring your entire wardrobe? Or always ready for anything? Maybe you just need your phone and money before leaving the house. To determine your character, he will examine your purse.

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