10 Top Reasons Why Americans Get Divorced in 2023  

Lack of Commitment

Both couples must want the marriage to succeed. Commitment can mean different things to different people. One partner may define commitment as spending as much time together as possible, while the other may cherish quality time alone and together.


Understanding how cheating destroys marriages is simple. Cheating entails lies and treachery that can be too much to overcome, even if both spouses wish to repair the marriage.

Too Much Conflict

All couples argue, but there may be an exception. Living together, making critical (or not-so-important) decisions, and juggling jobs, kids, and other responsibilities creates conflict. When “everything” becomes a reason to dispute, couple

Marrying Too Young

The U.S. Census provides average marriage ages for men and women during the past few decades. Since 1970, male and female average ages have increased by 1–2 years per decade. In 1970, women married at 21 and males at 23. In 2022, women married at 28 and men at 30, down somewhat.

Financial Problem

Financial disagreements can happen in wealthy or impoverished couples. One partner may think the other isn't paying the bills, producing friction. The salary discrepancy may produce power concerns even if spouses agree that one will work outside the home and the other will manage the household (which does not pay).

Substance Abuse

Drug or alcohol addiction can ruin a marriage and home. Addict spouses' partners and children face unsustainable mental, physical, and financial hardships.

Domestic Violence

The National Coalition Against Domestic Violence reports that 40.1% of women and 34.9% of males in Texas suffer intimate partner physical violence, rape, or stalking.

Health Issue

Serious health difficulties complicate marriages. The health condition comes first. The illness may prohibit a spouse from living and engaging with their partner as previously. Both partners may feel lonely and unable to connect after this transition.

Strained Family Relationship

When couples marry, their families become connected—for better or worse. The marriage can end if the spouses' families disapprove, criticise their child's spouse or new in-laws, and otherwise undermine the union.

Differing Religious Points of View

Even weakly religious spouses struggle to ignore their partner's practices or give them “equal time.” A wedding that acknowledges both religions is conceivable, but once the couple is married, their differences can become more evident and troublesome, especially if they have children.

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