12 Exercises That Burn the Most Calorie

High-knee running is intensive cardio. The lower body is strengthened as your heart rate rises. A high-intensity activity, high-knee running burns calories quickly.

Yellow Wavy Line

High-knee running

Like high-knee jogging, butt kicks are cardio. High-intensity butt kicks burn calories in 30 minutes.

Yellow Wavy Line

Butt kick

Mountain climbers are aerobic, full-body workouts. Since you use your whole body, you'll burn many calories quickly.

Yellow Wavy Line

Mountain climber

Swimming burns calories and improves muscle strength, blood flow, lung, and heart capacity. A 30-minute jog burns about as many calories as 30 minutes of recreational swimming.

Yellow Wavy Line


Try high-intensity intervals on a stationary bike. Stationary biking burns many calories in 30 minutes as a rigorous cardio workout.

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Stationary bicycling

Running burns the most calories. High-intensity sprints can replace a run if you don't have time. It will burn calories quickly to fuel your workout.

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Walking is the easiest home workout. It's good for injury recovery. It's convenient because you can do it in your backyard or home.

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The finest workout for burning calories, developing flexibility, and endurance is running. Running requires no equipment, making it convenient anyplace.

Yellow Wavy Line


Calorie-burning exercises go beyond jogging and high-intensity training. Do a high-energy dance workout at home to burn calories.

Yellow Wavy Line

Aerobic dance

A standard aerobic workout, jumping jacks raises heart rate. Also like the full-body workout. Home jumping jacks are easy because they use little room.

Yellow Wavy Line

Jumping jack

also see

also see

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