8 Clever Substitutes for Lemon Juice 

The greatest alternative to lemon juice is lime juice because it tastes and is slightly more acidic than lemon juice, making it a perfect match.

Yellow Wavy Line

Lime juice 

Orange juice is a good substitute for lemon juice in most recipes, and it can be used in place of lemon juice.

Yellow Wavy Line

Orange juice 

When just a tiny amount is required for cooking or baking, vinegar is a great replacement for lemon juice.

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Since lemon juice naturally contains citric acid, powdered citric acid is a perfect alternative for lemon juice, especially for baking.

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Citric acid 

Lemon zest, whether dried or frozen, can be used as a concentrated source of lemon acidity and flavour.

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Lemon zest 

In savoury foods that need a little lemon juice to brighten or deglaze, white wine works well as a substitute.

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White wine 

Lemon extract is a strong lemon flavour found in grocery shops' baking sections. Just a few drops give lemon flavour to a dish.

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Lemon extract 

The baking department of most grocery stores is where you may find cream of tartar, which is a powder that contains acid.

Yellow Wavy Line

Cream of tartar 

What Drink is Good for Ulcers? 

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