Benefits of Cranberry Juice: Is It Healthy? 

Cranberry juice not sweetened and unadulteratedBoth vitamin C and vitamin E can be found in sufficient quantities in Trusted Source meals.

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Proanthocyanidins are plant chemicals in cranberries. These chemicals may prevent UTIs by preventing germs from sticking to the urinary tract lining.

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Other cranberry phytonutrients are anti-inflammatory. Chronic inflammation destroys arteries. The damaged arteries attract plaque, causing atherosclerosis.

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Cranberries, like other fruits and berries, contain potent phytochemicals that have antioxidant properties. Cranberries are a good example.

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In addition to enhancing the function of your digestive system, the substances that guard the heart also assist safeguard it.

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Avoid labelling traps while buying healthy cranberry juice. Real cranberry juice differs greatly from cocktail cranberry juice.

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