Best Christmas Plants for a Festive Display

Most people know poinsettias. They're the most popular Christmas plant. Though red is the most common, poinsettias come in many colors. There are many colors, including white, pink, and marbled. 


Mistletoe is essential for Christmas kissing! Mistletoe hanging is a fun Christmas ritual. You may be startled to learn that mistletoe is a pesty plant that grows on deciduous tree limbs. It grows mostly in North Carolina.


A Christmas cactus is another fantastic houseplant. The blooming succulent comes in red and other colors. The Christmas cactus is an excellent indoor plant since it can survive 100 years. It blooms beautifully and is easy to maintain. 

Christmas Cactus

Beautiful amaryllis make great Christmas decorations. Bright reds or red-and-white mixtures are ideal for the holidays. A bulb planted in a pot is easy to buy for this flower. In warm areas or a greenhouse, you can grow your own in the fall. Full flowering occurs six weeks after planting.


Rosemary goes beyond cooking! Christmas-themed, this plant is also decorative. The sprigs resemble Christmas evergreens. For a simple holiday flair, snip few sprigs to garnish napkin holders or glasses. 


Holly is another favorite Christmas plant (you can even decorate with it). The plant is gorgeous inside and out. Christmas is a great time to cut holly shrubs for indoor use. The bright red and green add seasonal color. Despite their appeal, the deep red berries would make you nauseous.  


Due of its size, winter honeysuckle cannot be grown indoors. Winter honeysuckle clippings are fantastic for inside. Just put them in vases to enjoy the pleasant scent and beautiful blossoms.

Winter Honeysuckle

A vase of winterberry stems makes a lovely Christmas arrangement. Winterberry is a deciduous holly that loses its leaves in winter. These would look beautiful in your yard because the red berries stand out against the white snow.


This gorgeous flower would elevate your Christmas celebrations. The gardenia will blossom indoors under the appropriate conditions. Christmas flowers should be kept near a window with four hours of direct sunlight. With most indoor winter plants, a tiny humidifier adds humidity.


Most people know poinsettias. They're the most popular Christmas plant. Though red is the most common, poinsettias come in many colors. There are many colors, including white, pink, and marbled. 

Moth Orchid

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