Leonid and Geminid Meteor Showers Bring Bonanza before Year’s End

Downtown used to be the infamous Bunker Hill.

Downtown used to be the infamous Bunker Hill.

The Leonid meteor shower will peak on the night of November 16-17, with up to 15 meteors per hour visible in the night sky.

Downtown used to be the infamous Bunker Hill.

Downtown used to be the infamous Bunker Hill.

The Geminid meteor shower will peak on the night of December 13-14, with up to 120 meteors per hour visible in the night sky.

Downtown used to be the infamous Bunker Hill.

Downtown used to be the infamous Bunker Hill.

Both meteor showers are caused by debris left behind by comets, with the Leonids coming from the comet Tempel-Tuttle and the Geminids from the asteroid 3200 Phaethon.

Downtown used to be the infamous Bunker Hill.

Downtown used to be the infamous Bunker Hill.

The Leonids are known for their bright and fast-moving meteors, while the Geminids are slower and often brighter, making them easier to spot.


Downtown used to be the infamous Bunker Hill.

Downtown used to be the infamous Bunker Hill.

To view the meteor showers, find a dark location away from city lights and give your eyes time to adjust to the darkness.

Downtown used to be the infamous Bunker Hill.

Downtown used to be the infamous Bunker Hill.

It's best to view the meteor showers after midnight, when the radiant point (the point in the sky where the meteors appear to originate) is highest in the sky.

Downtown used to be the infamous Bunker Hill.

Downtown used to be the infamous Bunker Hill.

Both meteor showers are visible from anywhere in the world, weather permitting.