Leonid meteor shower is peaking tonight, creating up to 15 shooting stars per hour.

Downtown used to be the infamous Bunker Hill.

Downtown used to be the infamous Bunker Hill.

The Leonid meteor shower is an annual event that occurs in November.

Downtown used to be the infamous Bunker Hill.

Downtown used to be the infamous Bunker Hill.

It is caused by debris from the comet Tempel-Tuttle entering Earth's atmosphere.

Downtown used to be the infamous Bunker Hill.

Downtown used to be the infamous Bunker Hill.

The shower is named after the constellation Leo, as the meteors appear to originate from that area of the sky.

Downtown used to be the infamous Bunker Hill.

Downtown used to be the infamous Bunker Hill.

This year's peak is expected to occur on the night of November 16-17.


Downtown used to be the infamous Bunker Hill.

Downtown used to be the infamous Bunker Hill.

Skywatchers can expect to see up to 15 shooting stars per hour during the peak.

Downtown used to be the infamous Bunker Hill.

Downtown used to be the infamous Bunker Hill.

The best time to view the shower is after midnight, when Leo is high in the sky.

Downtown used to be the infamous Bunker Hill.

Downtown used to be the infamous Bunker Hill.

To see the most meteors, find a dark location away from city lights and give your eyes time to adjust to the darkness.