November's beaver moon & meteor showers

November's full moon is known as the Beaver Moon, named after the time when beavers would build their winter dams.

The Beaver Moon will be visible on November 19th and will appear larger and brighter than usual.

The Taurid meteor shower will peak on November 10th and 11th, with up to 10 meteors per hour visible in the night sky.

The Leonid meteor shower will peak on November 16th and 17th, with up to 15 meteors per hour visible in the night sky.

The Northern Taurids meteor shower will peak on November 11th and 12th, with up to 5 meteors per hour visible in the night sky.

The Southern Taurids meteor shower will peak on November 4th and 5th, with up to 5 meteors per hour visible in the night sky.

Make sure to find a dark location away from city lights to get the best view of these celestial events.