The 12 Best Vegetables Juice  - you should try 

In juices, kale is a leafy green that works well with other fruits and vegetables due to its mild flavour.

Yellow Wavy Line

1. Kale 

Carrots make an excellent juice due to its remarkable nutritional profile and somewhat sweet flavour.

Yellow Wavy Line

2. Carrots 

Apart from their vivid hue and flavorful earthiness, beets offer numerous health advantages when added to your regular juice.

Yellow Wavy Line

3. Beets 

Although it might not seem like a logical choice for juicing, cabbage is a tasty and nutritious food that works well in drinks.

Yellow Wavy Line

4. Cabbage 

Smoothies and juices can benefit from the addition of spinach, a leafy green vegetable that imparts a flavour that is mild and fresh.

Yellow Wavy Line

5. Spinach 

Cruciferous broccoli has many health benefits. It's rich in potassium, vitamins A, B6, and C (24Trusted Source).

Yellow Wavy Line

6. Broccoli 

Parsley is a fantastic vegetable for juicing, but it's frequently written off as little more than a herb and garnish for cooking.

Yellow Wavy Line

7. Parsley 

The high water content of cucumbers makes them a great juice ingredient. They're low in calories but high in potassium, manganese, vitamins K and C (30Trusted Source).

Yellow Wavy Line

8. Cucumbers 

In addition to being a leafy green vegetable, Swiss chard is also an excellent source of essential vitamins and minerals.

Yellow Wavy Line

9. Swiss chard 

It is commonly believed that wheatgrass, which is a type of grass that may be consumed, is among the most popular veggies for juicing.

Yellow Wavy Line

10. Wheatgrass 

In the realm of health, celery juice has recently begun to acquire popularity, and there is a simple explanation for this.

Yellow Wavy Line

11. Celery 

A culinary staple, tomatoes are fantastic for juicing. They're low in calories and high in vitamin C, potassium, and folate (50Trusted Source).

Yellow Wavy Line

12. Tomatoes 

Is juicing healthier than eating whole fruits or vegetables? 

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