What's the 12-3-30 Workout, and Why Is Everyone Obsessed?

The 12-3-30 workout involves walking on a treadmill at a 12% incline, 3 mph speed, for 30 minutes

Downtown used to be the infamous Bunker Hill.

Downtown used to be the infamous Bunker Hill.

The workout was popularized by Lauren Giraldo, a social media influencer, who claimed to have lost weight and improved her fitness with this routine.

Downtown used to be the infamous Bunker Hill.

Downtown used to be the infamous Bunker Hill.

The workout is said to be effective for weight loss, improving cardiovascular health, and toning the lower body.

Downtown used to be the infamous Bunker Hill.

Downtown used to be the infamous Bunker Hill.

The workout is easy to follow and can be done by anyone, regardless of their fitness level.

Downtown used to be the infamous Bunker Hill.

Downtown used to be the infamous Bunker Hill.

The author tried the workout for a month and noticed improvements in their fitness and energy levels.

Downtown used to be the infamous Bunker Hill.

Downtown used to be the infamous Bunker Hill.

The workout may not be suitable for everyone, especially those with joint problems or injuries.

Downtown used to be the infamous Bunker Hill.

Downtown used to be the infamous Bunker Hill.

Overall, the 12-3-30 workout is a simple and effective way to achieve fitness goals and has become a popular trend in the fitness world.

Downtown used to be the infamous Bunker Hill.

Downtown used to be the infamous Bunker Hill.