Why You're Not Losing Weight Doing Cardio  

Doing Too Much Cardio

Your workout should include cardio for heart health. Aerobic exercise strengthens the heart, prevents diabetes, Alzheimer's, and cancers, improves sleep, and reduced stress. Because of energy conservation, too much cardio and not enough food may lower metabolism.

Not Weightlifting

If fat loss is your main goal and you're not losing weight with cardio, try other exercises. Combine cardio and strength training to lose weight and build lean muscle. Muscles burn more calories.

Not Doing Post-Workout Recovery

Rest and recovery often matter more than exercise. Spending enough time recovering lets you prepare for the next workout. Poor performance can result from not resting.

Sitting Too Much

Long-term sitting can cause weight gain or loss. Every two hours of sitting increases obesity risk by 5%, research shows.Weekly moderate-intense exercise up to 300 minutes. Maximum 150 minutes of intense exercise per week. Beginners should exercise 60 minutes/week.

Not Balancing Food With Activity

Some people focus solely on burning calories and neglect their fuel. Consuming more calories than you burn can cause weight gain.Eat enough calories to maintain your weight while exercising. Calories depend on age, height, and activity level.

Limiting Macronutrients Too Much

Lack of carbs, the body's main energy source, can cause bingeing. Consider these macronutrients.Good fats in diet Salmon, sardines, hemp, and chia seeds have unsaturated fats.Consider chicken, turkey, beans, lentils, and lean pork loin.Choose healthy, complex carbs: Quinoa, oats, and sweet potatoes are complex carbs. 

Eating Too Much or Not Enough

Overeating slows weight loss. To lose weight, you must burn more calories than you eat. Remember not to limit yourself too much. Not eating enough can increase appetite and weight gain. Metabolism can also decrease.

Not Drinking Enough Water

Drink water whether you're active or not. Water has many health benefits beyond weight loss, including :Joint comfort and lubrication. Helping your body eliminate waste. Avoiding dehydration. Controlling body temperature

The #1 Protein to Eat for Weight Loss, According to a Dietitian