7 Benefits of Cherry Juice: Inflammation, Immunity, and More 

Cherry juice may aid post-workout recuperation. The body transmits electrical impulses thanks to its potassium content.

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Helps post-workout recovery 

Tart cherry juice antioxidants lessen osteoarthritis pain and inflammation, according to research.

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Fights inflammation 

NSAIDs are often used to treat swelling pain. These medicines can be hazardous if taken too often or with allergies.

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Reduces swelling 

Cherries, like all produce, are antioxidant and antiviral. Cherries contain antioxidant flavonoids, which plants make to combat infection.

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Boosts immunity 

There is some evidence from animal studies that tart cherries can modify your body's metabolism and aid in the reduction of belly fat. 

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Regulates metabolism 

A small 2010 study found that cherry juice's anti-inflammatory effects and melatonin may help you sleep. 

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Helps you sleep 

Cherry juice was tested against sulindac, the most popular colon tumour preventive anti-inflammatory, in 2003. Cherry juice decreased cancer cell development.

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Blocks cancer growth 

8 Surprising Pineapple Juice Benefits 

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