Saffron Tea: Health Benefits 

One calls saffron the “sunshine spice.” Not simply because it's red and yellow. Spice may improve mood. Some science may support these claims.

Yellow Wavy Line

Saffron contains a wide variety of chemical constituents. Several of these could lower blood pressure and guard against heart disease.

Yellow Wavy Line

PMS can induce emotional changes and physical discomfort. Some ladies suffer more. Saffron may provide relief without medicine.

Yellow Wavy Line

Researchers believe saffron's crocin and crocetin aid memory and learning. Saffron boosted mouse learning and memory in phytotherapy research.

Yellow Wavy Line

 Saffron may treat Alzheimer's and Parkinson's, according to an intriguing study.

Yellow Wavy Line

Saffron has antioxidants and flavonoids. Antioxidants defend the body. Flavonoids help plants fight fungus and illness.

Yellow Wavy Line

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